Nov. 5th = OBAMA DAY: Early this morning I caught myself in a crowded bar reminiscent of NYU haunts in the lower east side, tearfully singing the American national anthem with a diverse group of friends, Dakar residents, and unknown compatriots. This was definitely a first for me; but today is a day of many firsts. The United States has just elected Barack Obama to be its next president. This is the first time I have felt truly proud of my country, its decision, and its spirit of idealism. We all listened attentively as McCain graciously admitted defeat and as Barack, eloquent as ever, spoke of our collective accomplishment and the real challenges ahead. The man is truly brilliant. I admit that when I saw Virginia go blue and saw the CNN projection of Barack's victory on screen, I broke down into sobs. Around me friends and strangers cheered, screamed, cried, jumped up and down, and generally fell into an overwhelming fit of collective joy. It was truly a euphoric moment - one that will be forever ingrained in my memory. We eventually headed home at 6am and collapsed, as if exhausted by the two year campaign trail ourselves.
Waking up later today knowing that the results weren't just a dream, that Barack is in fact President Obama, was and remains incredible. Since it is Obama Day - we took the day off, donned our Obama gear, and went downtown for a celebration lunch. Our waiter must have noticed our pins and incessant Obama chatter - in an act of Senegalese generosity, he gave us his invaluable (and very hard to find here) Obama 08 poster. I was really touched, and already still reeling from the night's events....I am still weepy! Everywhere we stepped, people gave us thumbs ups and their congratulations. What a day! What a blissfully joyful day!
On a more serious note, for the more cynical among you: please don't take my current bliss to mean I follow Obama blindly, even though I do love him. I do not expect him to change the world or even our political system. I expect him to do his best leading the country, resolving domestic and foreign relations problems. I believe that his best is potentially the best we have ever seen in any president because of his character, upbringing, experience, and ability to inspire across so many lines. In the end, if we want a revolution to happen, that's up to us, not Obama. If anything, his campaign has taught us that much. So, to the cynical, open your hearts and minds just a little bit more...i know it can be risky, but that's how change actually happens step by step. It's no small thing that the babies born within the coming months and years will grow up with a black president as a norm in life, a given. And the emotional support of and attachment to Obama of older generations within the black community is not something that should be mocked or treated callously (as I've seen on facebook). This is a time to honor those who have made this step, however relative, possible. Thank you grandparents, parents. aunties. uncles and peers!
One more thing - If you know me, you know how much I love Alice Walker. Here are her words of wisdom to our next president (thanks syd!).
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Girl, I started looking at Chris' video and I couldn't stand to look at that BS all the way through. To be such intelligent young men, they are demonstrating ignorance. If they are so damn anti-America, they need to purge themselves of all the benefits they have reaped by being born and raised in this country and then MOVE!!
Anyways, I am so excited that Nov. 5 was Obama Day in Senegal!! You probably got to celebrate more there than I did here in Iowa. These white people, as overjoyed as they were to put Bush out of office and know that they actually have a real honorable leader in place, still really don't get it. They will never understand what it means for us as black people, or any minority, to see one of our own in the highest office of the land. We CAN do anything! How awesome is that?!!?!!?!! And "knowing that the results weren't just a dream" is the best part about it all! I'm still weepy too!
I love you!
Haha...I love you Syd! You are so right about Chris and his video crew. I mean, I get some of their perspective on needing a more systematic change in world governance, but COME ON! That is not how you go about it.
AAww...Sorry your Obama day wasn't fabulous. Just think, one more semester to go and you can be back in NYC. I am so proud of you for sticking it out. -CK
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